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Very fishes stock market nowadays. Before covid at very low price all the way. But after covid all fly until moon. It means now earning more than last time? Good luck.
Lionel, I don't understand why u said fishy.. LPI price from 2017 to 2019 is more than RM14 and up to rm16+. Then covid drop abit and now gradually back to normal. if u analyse carefully, LPI share price trending up since 2015 from rm11+ to rm16+ peak... This make sense given the profit from 100mil+ increase to 200mil+ and then to 300mil+ / 400mil+. The higher share price reflected by higher profit. So, I think LPI fair value should be RM14 and above.
Indeed there are some fishy stocks that were not supported by good long-term foundation such as glove counters. They only good during covid and price mainly based on news and goreng... Then eventually drop back to the price they should be.
Manipulated? Maybe for penny stock, yes.. For blue chip with strong foundation and long term history like banking stocks.. I don't think so easy to manipulate even for big tauke.
Lol.. How much do u think kaki pencen have? Even they have RM10mil also difficult to shake a blue chip counter.. Unless a group of millionaire people pool together for rm100mil then maybe they can manipulate abit. If the big tauke behind (in LPI case is PBB) wan defence the price .. What is rm100mil to pbb? Haha... What I mean is, seldom got ppl manipulate blue chip stocks.. Usually is the stocks with no good foundation will kena only, I.e. Goreng stocks..
Rys, are you sure.. Lol.. Have a look for Rview (2542)..a plantation company for many years... No volume most of the time, u wan to sell also difficult.. But it still there in bursa.. Correct me if I'm wrong..
Already told many times...look back 10 years price movement... CNY time or dividend time up up de... Low dunwan buy.. High only come.. But not too late I guess.