Clorox Bleach's comment on POHKONG. All Comments

Clorox Bleach
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luck didnt buy. Gold uturn so fast. 2moro pohkong sure gapdown
0.8 。。。。。。。
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Can buy when price is low.. now not so ad.. whats more FED rate hike on 17/3
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Gold price still uptrend though. Just my thoughts goodluck :)
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senoi tongkoi
rilex. next Tp 1.8
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kamarul ezani
hold tight3....
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Clorox Bleach
ukraine war is ending soon la. Russian ground forces is already heading to ukraine capital. Gold will drop soon. Russia dont dare to move beyond ukraine to NATO as it will trigger world war.
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looks like not likely go up anymore
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ONg Shoa Xin
monday fly ✈️✈️✈️
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kamarul ezani
gap upp very big..
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ONg Shoa Xin
gold price gap up to 1920+ from 189x
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ONg Shoa Xin
Nuclear weapon is ready OMG
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