Money Home's comment on INARI. All Comments

Money Home
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seilo.....what happen u!!!!
Ray Chong
3.710都跑出来 ,搞咩啊
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lee sy
Apple 手机需求减弱,Inari股价也遭到影响。
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Mr K
andy hall said Malaysia tech sector都有存在强迫劳动的问题 然后hash tag VS Inari Jcy Gtronic
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Lee Kh
Inari 之前我看esg高分的 不知做么Andy Hall 会看上它
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Mr K
可能性是Andy hall联合空军 要做空inari吧
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MadLife Momo
不要再炸了 profit已经少了20%
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KS Teh
Andy Hall没有hash tag inari咯,硬要说inari应该是受到apple的那个(出货量减少)消息影响。但为何apple要在自己的股价达到历史高点时发那个消息出来就见仁见智吧。
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Money Home
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Aliff Fahmi
waiting rm3 come
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Lee Kh
应该是Apple新闻影响比较大, inari已经开始和中国 合作 希望可以减少单一顾客依赖
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Erik Ooi
I had sounded warning after found the one day short sell of RM120mil., I suspected done by their own Major shareholder as they got insider info., Bursa must investigate. I sounded the warnings few days back.
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yutaka tong
esos listing happenig
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Calvin Wong
time to run
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