Mr 1's comment on CAPITALA. All Comments

Mr 1
7 Like · Reply
大家好,我是新手,进了air asia,12月1号要right issue了,我不知道要怎么处理,right issue一定要价钱进去买股票吗?如果我放着不理不买,会有什么后果吗?我是用rakuten买的,但我现在很无助。。。
Wong Yik Leong
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Mr 1
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Admiral Adama
你可以把renounceable right在没过期前卖掉,那就不需要另外付钱subscribe了。
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Mr 1
意思是12月1号前卖掉全部air asia 股票吗?
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Admiral Adama


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Mr 1
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Tet Wah Law
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Tet Wah Law
现在还有新 covid
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Tet Wah Law
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Baby Panda studio
dont worry about it..its normal
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Tony Lim
rakuten after Dec 2, you click on corporation action page then submit with your bal money..
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Tony Lim
yes, baby, covid is normal, prifer mentioned will come out another new vaciine after study it within 6 weeks.. And pills still effective on it.. Already 90cents no reason to sold for me..
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Mr 1
Tony, 请问手机版的app也是可以的吗?
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KH121 Chew
Should be otw drop again. Waiting good price buy in
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ahmad bakri
below 90 shud be ok to buy.. last time during mco was around 80-90sens lowest
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Mr 1
ok,I will buy the right issue and will make the range down later cause I stay to high at RM1. 2
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Peter Ong
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Joslyn Lee
I’m stay at 1.29…sad
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Lim Chen Long
Fst sell, If Wan buy, price 0.65 to0.75 can in
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Galaxy Galaxy
请问大神们,我持有2900的airasia股,rcuids是怎样的? 是到了12月1号,会自动出现在我们的股票里?
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Tet Wah Law
明天看air asia show time
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Shilla Liew
请问大家,airasia group 5099的股也要 right issue吗?我也是新手我也很无奈~唉唉唉
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Mr 1
是今天可以subscribe 吗?为什么subscribe 不到
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michael ngu
pn17 会把价钱拉到很低,到时right issue的价钱就不值了。估计十二月尾会出现恐慌抛售,外加omicron的新一波。自己想像下,到时你的票值5毛都偷笑。外加digital banking license若再拿不到。这才叫绝望。
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Shilla Liew
Michael ngu 请问这股己经是 pn17吗?
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Kenny Ngg
本来是今天 subscribe 的,不懂是不是 holiday 延迟了
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Lionel Essi
本来去年就已经打入pn17. 好在bursa给宽限期. 没错还有一个月就到期. goodluck :)
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