Sharon Chong's comment on MAYBULK. All Comments

Sharon Chong
13 Like · Reply
Jan-Mar bdi 1.3k-2.3k (Q1 Net profit 15mil)
Apr-Jun bdi 2k-3.2k (Q2 Net profit 32mil*)
July-Sep bdi 3k-4.2k (Q3 Net profit 113mil**)
Oct-Dec bdi est.2.4k-5.6k (Q4 Net profit est. 25mil)

*with one off
**with one off (2 old ships sold)

Net profit for FY21 est. 185mil (updated)

Short-term tp 0.9-1.00
FY21 tp 1.50 (updated)
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Good job @beng bengbeng... let's just hodl.
@ tan nelson every movement sure got people worry or excited one. not only when it is up people resurface. Down that time to 0.66 @Anthony Tan also here said that he will wait for 0.6 to enter. ended up he suxk up with his own 'prediction' and catch at higher price still trying to pretend like a pro here told you here told you there...
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1 Like · 3 years · translate
Gogo is the limit..hehe tp0.9 ..
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beng bengbeng
Very simple ma, red sure need keep quiet la. Tak kan red liao still shout meh. It all depends u are at what position la, contra kaki, mid term or long term?
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tan nelson
This is a typical behaviour... I am here lol kekekekee
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Anthony Tan
@hh dun give up, continue to hold. Lucky I buyback at 66c and now just wait someone like you to blow to the sky.
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hahaha must shout All in!
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Charles Lim Yee Heng
Sailang maybulk
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tan nelson
Hooootttttt 99999eeeeee lol
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Anthony Tan
wow so strong ?
2 Like · 3 years · translate
LoL RM 2 incoming.. xD!!!!!
2 Like · 3 years · translate
RM2 long term...
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tan nelson
Rm20 longer term
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Rm200 longlongterms
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Gogo maybulk...up up up
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Sharon Chong
Going back near previous high, should be able to break in the near future..

BDI 4,163 -> 4,221 (+58, +1.4 %)
BCI 6,380 -> 6,474 (+94, +1.5%)
BPI 3,694 -> 3,756 (+62, +1.8%)
BSI 3,180 -> 3,210 (+30, +0.9%)
BHSI 1,810 -> 1,820 (+10, +0.6%)
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1 Like · 3 years · translate
Sharon Chong
Again and again, BDI breaks previous new high..

BDI 4,215 -> 4,275 (+60, +1.4%)
BCI 6,304 -> 6,420 (+116, +1.8%)
BPI 3,852 -> 3,904 (+52, +1.3%)
BSI 3,283 -> 3,307 (+24, +0.7%)
BHSI 1,845 -> 1,861 (+16, +0.9%)
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3 Like · 3 years · translate
Sharon Chong
The Baltic Exchange Dry Index went up 0.7% to 4,304 on Monday, its highest since November 24th, 2009... Is this a good opportunity instead?
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Wei Mun
Not sure why BDI breaking high but maybulk share price goes against it.
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huhu haha
Bdi high is just a indicate, doesn't mean profit is same level as bdi.
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Wei Mun
Last qr shows qoq profits was growing even after normalised the one off gains.
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Sharon Chong
BDI breaks new high again today from 4,304 -> 4,410, adding 106 points...
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Break no use la, maybulk is cyclical stock. No people willing to pay for it.
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Sharon Chong
BDI up again 4,410 -> 4,560 (+150)
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BC Siew
So will up soon?
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Sharon Chong
should be, last few days dropped too deep..
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Sharon Chong
BDI rose 2% to 4,651 on Thursday, its highest since November of 2009..
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BDI uptrend tmr gogo maybulk....
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LoL just wait RM 2 in 6 months time.
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if u follow 2009... that time price at RM5
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Kevin Kai
Guys instead of following bdi, please take a look at silicon price, namely pmbtech. Price of silicon metals has exploded. Today its at usd61,125 per tonne. Last week at usd41,196. In 13 July it was only at usd14,308.
This will augur well for Pmbtech coming fy22. They have also expanded production capacity multi fold recently.
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Kar Kheong
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Sharon Chong
BDI breaks new high again... Just buy and keep.. Maybulk will eventually fly...

BDI 4,644 -> 4,717 (+73, +1.6%)
BCI 7,393 -> 7,600 (+207, +2.8%)
BPI 4,012 -> 4,020 (+8, +0.2%)
BSI 3,359 -> 3,363 (+4, +0.1%)
BHSI 1,925 -> 1,930 (+5, +0.3%)
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ASP high goes higher? Or factored in? Sharon
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Sharon Chong
@ETF Fan.. we'll know in two months time when 3rd QR comes out.. but no one predicted 4700 in a month's ago.. i myself thought 4200 (end of September)
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Maybulk gogogo
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0.705 sell 500lot ty maybulk
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huhu haha
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Sharon Chong
@dac dac.. haha.. my long term target is 2.00 wor..
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heng ah my target 3.0
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Sharon Chong
BDI breaks new high again!! Now approaching 5000..! If tomorrow can get below 0.70 just buy and keep.. Rewards will come sooner or later..

BDI 4,717 -> 4,962 (+245, +5.2%)
BCI 7,600 -> 8,322 (+722, +9.5%)
BPI 4,020 -> 4,030 (+10, +0.2%)
BSI 3,363 -> 3,373 (+10, +0.3%)
BHSI 1,930 -> 1,943 (+13, +0.7%)
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Sharon Chong
Finally, bdi breaks 5000! It's a historic day...

BDI 4,962 -> 5,197 (+235, +4.7%)
BCI 8,322 -> 9,018 (+696, +8.4%)
BPI 4,030 -> 4,037 (+7, +0.2%)
BSI 3,373 -> 3,379 (+6, +0.2%)
BHSI 1,943 -> 1,957 (+14, +0.7%)
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
shinn law
Finally!!!ya~drop liao
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Sharon Chong
Well, i can accept drops.. because it's impossible for a counter to shoot up in straight line right..
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Bdi will not move up forever too, once it drop will be like glove.
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shinn law
I thought bdi break new high?hhahaha~from 0.685 to 0.72 is so call shoot up in a straight line I see
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Vincent Kong
Maybulk shall refer to BPI.

BDI is referring to composite index of BCI(40%) BPI(30%), and BSI(30%).

Maybulk current vessels largest under Panamax category (BPI) to be specific. Expecting there will be spillover to BPI from BCI when customer had no choice to switch to using Panamax vessel.
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
No matter refer to what as long as it is not a sustainable price, it will never last long.
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Sharon Chong
investing maybulk needs lots of patience... you'll be rewarded sooner or later...
2 Like · 2 years · translate
keingann pun
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Christiano Shun
The Baltic Exchange Dry Index extended gains to a third straight session, rising 2.7% to 5,409 on Tuesday
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Maybulk gogogo
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Cindy Lim
how long does it need to back 1
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Christiano Shun
The Baltic Exchange Dry Index extended gains to a fourth straight session, rising 4.4% to 5,647 on Wednesday, its highest level since September of 2008.
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Zhikang Sim
in fact bdi no related to Maybulk??
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keingann pun
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keingann pun
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哈哈哈哈全部人aim 你的票!世界公敵!這樣想你會好受一點
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keingann pun
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Sean C
Base on QR3 reflect by BDI avg 5k-5.5k, net profit margin should be around 60mil to report. QR1 to QR 2 change is 1 fold, QR 2 to QR3 is double of Q2 according BDI
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Alvin Teoh
tp 1.0要来了。。。。。
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Charles Teoh
@keingann 哈哈哈哈 是不是很痛
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keingann pun
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Zhikang Sim
其他运输股跟bdi 没关系 反而起到更凶。
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Zhikang Sim
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Charles Teoh
对啊 吹水罢了 没有别的意思
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Sharon Chong

BDI 4,714 -> 4,751 (+37, +0.8%)
BCI 7,229 -> 7,275 (+46, +0.6%)
BPI 4,116 -> 4,236 (+120, +2.9%)
BSI 3,610 -> 3,618 (+8, +0.2%)
BHSI 2,024 -> 2,033 (+9, +0.4%)
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Sharon Chong
Supramax Index a fresh new historic high...
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Sharon Chong
Panamax and Handy size both breaks record high, supramax breaks 11-year high.

Meaning = Maybulk 4th quarter earning WILL continue to go up, if this can sustain.
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tan nelson
Bdi high high, maybulk terbalik
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Mars hooi
Maybulk another Susah eh counter lol
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Miiike L
yeah. this one is hard.
1 Like · 2 years · translate
BDI downtrend maybulk downtrend if 0.70break next sup 0.68.
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Agnes Ng
drop again. after will boom up again?
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Agnes you leng lui, don't want your money to stuck.. Leave this counter better.
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Rookie Lau
Correction almost done.
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Shong Jing Chew
避免被套可以加我tlgram 讨论
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Lucky 888
Don't wait d..all in..
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Anthony Tan
Many con man in the forum. If u follow buy from here usually gg
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one high got one high high,one low got one low.low.low.low.low
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huhu haha
Drop back to 0.69,morning just top up
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Sharon Chong
I look at it as an opportunity to buy more..
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Lol, don't later lose big only wake up..
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Sharon Chong
Just topped up... I will buy more if further drop..
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Anthony Tan
Sharon pls dun misleading others… u buy all the way from 80c till now.
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Miiike L
Baltic price dropping sharply. those trapped will get trapped for while
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huhu haha
Not everyone can always have money to top up
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Sean C
BDI dropping
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tan nelson
All drop from bdi como oil steel allllll
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Sharon Chong
I personally look at it as an opportunity.. its my personal view.. you may have your own views..
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Just quit and move to other... Don't keep repeat mistake buying cyclical stock at peak and make new investors lose money. Please, have a kind heart
1 Like · 2 years · translate