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菜鳥,專家那麼重要嗎?我本身的sector 就是機械業。我的supplier 就是supply glove machine, 本地的手套生產線基本就是一個大oem 控制,2020到今年的2021基本就是多數sector 萎縮,只有glove 在代替其他sector,每个月都是几千台,. 2021 Jan to May 就是做2020的 back order 。今年6月头到年未是0 order, 全部cancel 與on hold. ,这些手套厂,包括mahsing 的新廠我都去過testing. 整個glove sector and supplier 都在拉handbrake, 我只是好心提醒大家. 好了就講到這些,祝你們健康平安,股票賺到錢。
The Group's PBT and Profit attributable to owners of the Company had shown a slight decrease
of 9.12% and 14.95% respectively for the current quarter under review even though there was an
increase of RM7.72 million or 3.20% in revenue from the immediate preceding quarter. This was
mainly due to decline in average selling price in the current quarter and higher cost due to the