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Chunhaw,.. Nta 0.033..revenue still tggi...still releven kalau tggu 0.010..sy still collect n q 1cent..siapa tidak tahan, cutloss saja.. Pergi other kaunter.. Kalau pn17 masih jauh lagi..kalau consolidate, better lagi price naik.. That why mesti collect byk.. Kalau below 1 million mungkin kurang untunglah..
director mau sapu 0.01 pun tidak dapat..last2 bagi esos 0.015..Ada logik kah mahu pn17?check history..selepas right issue apa jadi?.. history repeated it self..
Bila org sudah bosan, dia jual lah ke. 010..tggu bursa bullish barulah kita jual.. Target profit 7 angka lah kawan..stay relax.. Janji kamu sabar sikit..focus satu kaunter saja lah.. Kalau target btst better pegi kaunter lain..
I wish all trader want to buy this counter only que at 0.01 and 0.005. If Somebody continue buy at 0.015 the price won't come down. The banker want to make your money. If all of us just que at low they have no way out. Please be cooperation.
Absolutely agreed Chai. Consolidation is 90% confirm just matter of time. Considering is long term investment and make sure all holder is enjoying the lowest average affordable price. Only 2 steps collection to go is 0.01 and 0.005 no more lower.
Alternative will go down again after consolidate because 0.005 cannot lower anymore. Example rm 1000 consolidate 10:1 become 100 then down another 50% become rm 50. Finally your rm 1000 become rm 50
I think consolidation generally regarding the share.. Not actually regarding the amount invested (but may go down eventually)
If let say consolidate 10:1..
Let say you invest rm1000, price 0.01.so you got 100000 share(1000 lot)
Then when consolidate,
The share price going to be 0.10, your share is 10000(100 lot).. So still the value rm1000..
However some after consolidate price drop.. Let say after consolidate, price from 0.10 then drop to 0.08, so the amount you invested becomes 800..
0.015 is esos price. The boss won't push up the price for the employee to make profit. Confirm will go down 0.01 for them to cut lost. Wait to get prefer price.
Esos 300m harga 0.0125..asiobio dispose dlm 80m harga 0.015..sungguh bijak..tidak sampai 2bulan sudah untung..dlm 2mggu ini berapa juta dia sudah lepas price 0.015?