Sharon Chong's comment on SERBADK. All Comments

Sharon Chong
13 Like · Reply
Block 7 Investments gave contracts worth Billions$ to Serbadk..

But who are the owners/directors of "Block 7 Investments"? Can you find them in Google? It's strange if you can't find comprehensive info for a company that awards projects worth billions..
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Sharon Chong
Chuan, I think maybe that's why auditors raise flag.. A lot of confusions and things that are not clear.. If we think carefully they will have to bare serious consequences too.. (look at the market cap of Serbadk, Scib and Kpower.. almost cut into half).. And so many institutions and individual investors are seriously affected. Kpmg can't say, "Oh sorry, we overlooked only ma, come come I sign for you.. ok settle.."
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Raymond Chong
所以 block 7 是在中东? 不是美国???
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Meaw Meaw Cat
无言,宁愿相信Auditor 出错也不要面对事实。自己喜欢就好。不过真是很好笑。。喵喵
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Bon Bon Sin
哈哈哈 那么多废话 直接卖票咯 昨天排limit down 价钱的 280 m 散户 被大户一下吃完了 开心吗? 哈哈哈 巴菲特每次都说 别人恐惧 你就要贪婪, 因为这些panic 的人 就是排队来送钱的
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Meaw Meaw Cat
KWAP 拋了,各位小心哦。。喵喵
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Bon Bon Sin
kwap 一直丢 innari , 你也可以去写了 innari 可能做假
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没有换audit 算不算好消息?
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Meaw Meaw Cat
那280 mil 也是散户卖的哈哈哈,神。。就是喜欢扮專家
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Kaiba AA
the thing is not even KPMG people like Sharon Chong manage to point out all the valid questions with lots of point of suspicious. Without valid documents, Serba is unable to explain. But how come it take so long to proof the legitimacy of it when Serba should have proper documentaions in place. To me, it's very weird.
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6 Like · 3 years · translate
Cat哈哈哈, 那280m是我卖的,不是机构卖的,相信我哈哈哈
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Sharon Chong
Calm down guys, I'm also an investor and I believe we are just trying our best to understand those things that we are confused about... It's nothing wrong with that as you can see even EPF is showing great concern now.. and they are going to ask Serbadk about the questions raised by kpmg..
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5 Like · 3 years · translate
Meaw Meaw Cat
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tony wang
Block 7 Investment LLC 原来是存在的,Active到2022年三月。
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Raymond Chong
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Cheong Chun Kiat
进UAE的经济部找的。click 上面的link,key in Block 7 investment,输入 display number,then search。
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Meaw Meaw Cat
好笑,股价两天LD , 还说没有猫腻? 就是喜欢自欺欺人。。喵喵 还一味唱好公司。
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Meaw Meaw Cat
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Meaw Meaw Cat
別誤会,別对号入座。。哈哈哈,真是死鸭子滿天飞。。。明天Limit up
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Meaw Meaw Cat
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Sharon Chong
My fellow investors, anyone knows what is ZonesCorp? Looks like its a public (government) institution in Abu Dhabi...

I really don't think it's "a company" because all zones, all industries and all companies are under ZonesCorp.. Is ZonesCorp a coordinator or what? Even Karim never said ZonesCorp award project.. but rather the project is awarded by Karim-owned Block 7 Investments..
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Sharon Chong
Jason Chow, hundreds of companies are ZonesCorp partners but why I can't find "Block 7 Investments and Efire Capital" in the list?
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Sharon Chong
Thank you Chuan and Jason.. but until now we only know the 7 billion ringgit project is awarded by Karim's company to Serbadk.. no info indicates the fund is from ZonesCorp.. It's still Karim award to Karim.. unless further evidence are shown.
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Sharon Chong
Jason, I think I only understand partially.. further evidence and info needed
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Sharon Chong
Ya.. Roy Chong, but that's not within our capacity to verify it I guess..
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Meaw Meaw Cat
still not stable... red zone again... meaw meaw
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Simon Seah
Paid main, red now and afternoon green
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Even if it’s a related party transaction, don’t you guys feel this is super dodgy? A company that can award that sum of project cant even have a proper website...
I’m not saying this is right or wrong, we dont know everything, but this surely raises some eyebrows...
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6 Like · 3 years · translate
Sharon Chong
HY Ng, I think what you say is quite true.. When compare with Malaysia company websites, I feel difficult to convince myself these are billion dollar companies in Abu Dhabi..
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Meaw Meaw Cat
yes... just feel so sorry for those invested in this company, whatever it is i don think the share price will bounce back to RM1.60 level. meaw meaw.... just stay away from high gearing companies in future... my 2 ct
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Sinto Kai
这里一大早就开始吵了,好像菜市场这样 xD
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Meaw Meaw Cat
0.795 进0.91 卖, 0.88 进 0.84 cut... 现在观望,不敢动。。 喵喵
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Lim Horng
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Meaw Meaw Cat
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Alex Lee
errmmmm, Meaw Meaw 你怎么一直说话都加一个 Meaw 啊,哈哈哈哈
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Meaw Meaw Cat
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Sharon Chong
It's a bit too risky to play now I think..
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Meaw Meaw Cat
yes.. i was watching the whole day... dare not touch... meaw meaw
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Sharon Chong
If it's really a financial fraud, 50 cents also not worth to gamble... Just my personal opinion..
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Kaiba AA
ya Agree with Sharon. Why jump into murky water that potentially dangerous animals in it. Wait everything clear out first to buy also won't late.
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Darren Khor
because KARIM we believe.
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darren要输到pokai了 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
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Kenji Oon
Is ok brother Darren no matter what happen, im always by your side, and also lord too. Peace and love and bless you my brother. Take care ,
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Kenji Oon
Yes, brothers Alif, must beware, brother Darren always drinking during trade, thats why sometimes he can be over confident.
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M Khairudin Ahmad
Info related to Block 7 Project.
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Peter Mueller
People tends to be delusional. Dint research on company and their contracts. Buy blindly then shout in karim we trust. Last2 become fintec style and price only said bursa all scam...
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Sharon Chong
M. Khairudin, according to your link, there are many investors (Companies) that invested in various zones of ZonesCorp.. You may refer to the link below..
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Sharon Chong
Can it be like MSC in Malaysia? Which they call for various companies to invest and build office in the corridor/zone whatever you call it..? Just playing guessing..
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Kaiba AA
Feel like OTM Capital scam. Gather public fund and promise return by building dunno what project overseas.
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tony wang
sharon chong

if not mistaken zonescorp is belong to UAE government. Seems like the project announced by Zonescorp is a government project, JV with Block 7 Investment and Serba. According to the briefing by Serba the project should start this coming July if not mistaken, let's see if it's exist or not.
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Learn Play
good luck to all invest
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Mie Zar
block 7 still in operation or dissolve? and u know the answer.
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tony wang
mie zar

do not look at as it's not accurate.

go UAE government website to check the business name, it wrote active until March 2022.

check on this link
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Danny Tay
it's a JV with a ZonesCorp of Abu Dhabi. You can think Block 7 is like building PutraJaya back in the early '90s...

setting up a new township
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tony wang
if not mistaken, this Block 7 projects thingy is not an issue raised by kpmg right?

The IT contracts to non IT companies, companies with same addresses, small market cap company received contracts worth millions etc.
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Kaiba AA
KPMG setup a very nice road for everyone to dig these fishy info bro. They won't mention it publicly but will let everyone to be private investigator to sign more info and digest it. Block7 might not be in the KPMG queries, but apparently this is a hot topic for SC, Bursa or anyone to investigate now. Smart move KPMG.
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2 Like · 3 years · translate
Sharon Chong
Tony Wang and Danny Tay, ZonesCorp never said they fund they million dollar projects, at least until now even Serbadk also dare not said that.. In Serbadk announcement on 15 April 2020, it's stated that they got the project from Block 7 Investments LLC, as shown in the link below..
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1 Like · 3 years · translate
Sharon Chong
I think there's something fishy here as now we all know Block 7 belongs to Karim.. So it's like left hand to the right..
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Sharon Chong
Agree Kaiba AA
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Kaiba AA
KPMG gave u guys the shovel. Dig the info as much as you want. Although it might not be part of the findings, but netizens influence in media will spill out more dodgy findings to SC and Bursa to investigate. Serba fans accept it or not, as long as there is no answer from any party besides of Serba, this case mostly is guilty until proven innocence.
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2 Like · 3 years · translate
Sharon Chong
Heh guys! Block 7 Investments deleted it's company contact number already! Oh no, is Karim reading our comments here..?
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Sharon Chong
Looks like someone is wiping off the evidence at the crime scene..
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Sharon Chong
Efire Capital contact number also deleted! haha.. This is one of the points kpmg highlighted, now they are cleaning off the crime scene..

I wonder if they will delete all the related websites next week..
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5 Like · 3 years · translate
tony wang
Sharon Chong
Both efirecapital and Block 7 apparently belongs to karim, you can even find karim's photo (vice president) at efirecapital website.
As you mentioned the contract was awarded to serba by karim's block 7. No one know the details yet. Then suddenly this year we seen the news of Zonescorp signed an agreement with Block 7. Whether both projects are related or not, time will tell.
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tony wang
Apparently by the look of it, it looks like Karim use Block 7 and efire capital to JV with Zonescorp, and then contract awarded to Serba. Whether where the money came from, just let the authorities investigate.

And if karim is the vice president of Efire, who is the president?
A lot more details will be reveal I think if he is really making any fraud or wrongdoings this project.

Time will tell.
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Peter Mueller
You guys grab the latest the edge weekly page 58. Quoted from the edge; Karim denies he controls block 7, saying there is no related-party transaction.
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Keith Liu
Why block 7 last year announced but after 1 year only sign agreement?
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tony wang
Good point, if he is not control Block 7, then who control? even the zonescorp projects news said Karim from Block 7, unless there is another individual who is the real boss behind the scene.

As I mentioned, Karim is also the vice president of efire capital, there must be a president right?
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tony wang
Keith Liu
No idea but maybe covid pandemic is part of the reason but I think I seen picture of Karim and the representative from Zonescorp signed the agreement.
Is he allowed to leave Malaysia during mco 2.0? (since the news is from April 2021)
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1 Like · 3 years · translate
Sharon Chong
Peter Mueller, he can say anything I guess.. But whether to believe in him now it's up to the investors..

Don't you think it's really funny Block 7 and Efire Capital shares the same company contact number (But just deleted everyone knows why...), both companies use secondary-school-student-design websites with no contents, and Karim wants to convince us these are the companies that award billion-dollar project and he has nothing to do with Block 7..
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2 Like · 3 years · translate
Sharon Chong
Tony, exactly! Previously as we read all the news said Karim is from Block 7!! Now he is denying it! Oh my...
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tony wang
Sharon Chong
Its obvious both Block 7 Investment and efire capital are related, both are karim's. Just if he is the vice president, who is the president?
If karim said he didn't control Block 7, then that "president" should be the one who control right?
The design of website mean nothing because a lot of "planned projects" website are just like that. (u check malaysia's one).
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1 Like · 3 years · translate
Peter Mueller
Precisely why delete the contact number if you did nothing wrong? Check that awarded serba with 1 bil contract. Contact number still there. Exactly same number as efire and block 7...
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Sharon Chong
Totally agree Peter... Future Digital Data Systems (FDDS), Efire Capital and Block 7 Investments shared the same company telephony number... This alone already tell us they are all under Karim...

So Karim (3 companies in Middle East) gives projects to Karim (Serbadk in Malaysia)...

Now i guess we know why he keeps on doing private placement...
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tony wang
Peter mueller

That's why I said, all these companies/groups should be related. Common sense if someone wanted to cheat, he would have register more numbers so public wouldnt so easy to find out the suspicious part of whole saga.
Like the companies raised by kpmg there are some sharing same addresses. That also could be one of the possibilities. No idea why they deleted the numbers but it's obvious these groups must be linked.
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tony wang
From my point of view, there is one individual behind the scene, since Zonescorp is involved in that block 7 hubs, i guess their government is also part of it. Since serba said they already sent a team to UAE to finalize this project planning, and will start this project this year.
We shall just wait and see.
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Victor Yen
it involved some bigger boys
....... a time bomb to expose those behind it.
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Danny Tay
Established in 2020, Efire Capital Holdings Limited is a Private Limited Company based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The organisation is owned by Emirati based enterprises. The organisation operates in the Nonequity Investment Instruments sector.
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Peter Mueller
Why Apr 20 they informed investors it's a US-based Block 7?
It was non-related party transaction.
Foreign news 25 Apr 21 telling Block 7 is jv btw efire and serba.
Efire & Block 7 llc also sharing same office address Marina Plaza 331 Sultan Bin Zayed The First street 3 Floor, Office 301. Please search.
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Danny Tay
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Danny Tay
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Sharon Chong
Peter Mueller, I guess that's why kpmg also 'malas' to answer Serbadk... Too obvious isn't it..
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Danny Tay
these 3 links would tell something about Block 7 and efire capital...
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tony wang
Sharon Chong
as a professional audit firm, somemore as a big 4, they can't just "malas" to layan. and at the moment they are still in the progress to verify the accuracy and details of those issue raised.

Even if karim has a role in these companies that give contracts to serba, and if these contracts are valid and genuine, i would say it might be called as an element of conflict of interest.
it would be much worse if serba is the one who awarded projects to these companies instead right? Haha.
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Sharon Chong
Tony Wang, the thought actually went acrossed my mind too.. haha.. who knows maybe Karim has been using the money from bonds, borrowings and private placements (perhaps also the money he gained from share market/selling warrants) to award projects to Serbadk..

That's why I say Karim to Karim, left hand to the right
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tony wang
Block 7 Investment llc maybe existed years ago, and this JV project with their gov called block 7 innovation hub, could be planned years ago. Another possibility is that maybe Karim use his foreign relations to get contracts, then these companies give the contracts back to serba. Serba not enough money to operate, how? Private placement lo.
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Sharon Chong
Looks like the Edge also shares the same concern like us..

"Meanwhile one of Serba Dinamik’s largest jobs to date — a RM7.7 billion contract for engineering, procurement and construction of innovation hub, academic campus, related facilities and infrastructure in Abu Dhabi awarded by Block 7 Investments LLC and secured in April 2020 — has also come under the spotlight, with questions of who actually controls Block 7, and if it is linked to Abdul Karim." - The Edge
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Danny Tay
why nobody speaks about LIWA investment whom is the JV partner to efire capital, in turn this JV funds Block 7 ?
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tony wang
Sharon Chong
Of course everyone concern if these so called projects turned out to be fraud.
But karim need to clarify that these projects are indeed genuine and he actually using these companies to get projects from their gov/zonecorps as they cannot directly award to serba.
(bit like MY la).
I feel karim alone cannot do so much, perhaps there is one more individual (probably from their country).
Time will tell
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tony wang
Danny Tay
No details yet as the jv agreement between Zonescorp and block 7 doesn't reveal too much. Could be a possibility too.
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