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For your information, we do provide the online platform for the online submission via BSIP online (eDRF). Attached herewith is the STEP by STEP – the procedure to exercise for Electable Portion electronically and submission e-DRF.
The online portal (BSIP) will be opened on 2 June 2021 to all entitled shareholders for the online submission and we would like to encourage you to utilize the online portal for your own convenient.
OK. just done mine in boardroom. it's easy. if you don't know how ask your parents do it for you. nowadays kid expect to get spoon feed. need to show them step by step from A to Z. aiyoooo
if you have joined the AGM early this month means you already have a boardroom account. just login into http://investor.boardroomlimited.com. select the corporate exercise. click to enter maybank div reinvestment plan. do the submission there.
Sorry, Alan Li, I deleted my comments on the need to upload a scan picture of my IC requirements from Boardroom in order to register to be able to log in. I decided not to go for DRP, just take cash.
That's the only way to verify... but sometimes, its better to register, so that other people cannot missuse and register your ic ;) then they can see your stuff