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Slowly rebounding from its support and stand stable on its MA 20 in last week. Both MA 20 and MA 50 are going sideway and the price is standing within both MA line. It needs to breakthrough MA 50 to confirm its uptrend.
Volume is flowing in slowly and continuously to support its rebound signal. Take 0.47 as your support if you're looking to enter.
@ Jane Lam.个人非常赞同Jane 兄您在GUH的投资战略,大家不谋而同,异口同声。有了Daniel Sia前辈在投资理念的引导下,可以打开大家投资思维天窗,也极大开拓了年轻人思维边界,让大家获取高于平均水准的收益。接下来就靠大家形成独门的投资方程式构建属于自己的投资体系来拱卫自己的财富。大家一起加油。