Dan Danne's comment on D&O. All Comments

Dan Danne
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D&O used to be a growth stock, but now become goreng by retail investor, it future will be bright?
Warren B
kenaga want ppl goreng their warrant. above 5 only in the money.
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Dan Danne
actually D&O LED business just newly started not more than 5 years, chips shortage for EV car and electronics product, some of the EV cars production halted. i study D&O annual report b4, i found out their operating expenses and R&D expenses is high. today its price up rise 10% more, it is incredible and unbelievable, some big player really fry this stock up to the moon, hahaha
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Dan Danne
FA and TA seems useless for evaluation of stock, becoz stock is judge by emotion investor and capitalist investment agency. Mr Peter Lynch was right, market trend is unpredictable.
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xflazex hong
after joint venture, do you still think this is goreng by retail investor ? or you think they get the news before the press release ? just my opinion, different thoughts here
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jack jack
when raise then a lot come out say overvalue...when down then say can go lower... most of the share, is spoilt by all irresponsible people
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Dan Danne
D&O 's LED segment product depends more on China market, 2nd will be Europe and so on USA, do u think China market is stable market for D&O, what about the Chinese own LED manufacturer? The competition less tense there? D&O is growth too fast. By the way, i am not object or criticised people buying their stock, i just wondering their price went to high and hot cake, the EPS is low compare to other tech stock.
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Dan Danne
Mr Hong, today stock price hits above 10% definitely not by retail investor, but surely from investment agency, i notice the today share price momentum is high, but volume is slight increase compare to yesterday.
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xflazex hong
yes HK, and definately tomorrow will be another good shiw .. as I know D&O is trying to innovate something new technology which related to chips & LED, I believe this joint venture will bring more good news on that technology .. that will makes D&O stand more firm on global stage
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Warren B
today that IB already achieved the agenda when I checked on their warrant. they will make that warrant out of money when its due. Good money to them.
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Green LT
D&O don’t have business on EV market, their businesses still on traditional combustion engine vehicles. Since fund manager goreng the counter, I just take a ride and make small profit. When fund manager pull out, I will pull out as well.
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Dan Danne
D&O is really potential growth stock, if its stock price is steadily growth, not goreng like char kuay tiao, I can assume D&O future is brighter than its LED light, hahahaha
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Dan Danne
Green LT, your're right, everybody has their own trading strategy, for me i choose to invest in Mid to short term, bcoz i realized Malaysia stock is not valuable like America and Europe stock. If dont believe, try study BJCorp, Genting, AirAsia, YTL and so on. The trend is belong to new IPO company.
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Green LT
HK-May till Sep play short term and hold more cash. Because US inflation and interest rate will rise very soon and market will crash.
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Dan Danne
yup, the buble is build up soon will burst, Biden is spending huge expenditure on infrastructure, definitely the treasury dept will think of way to increase the interest rate and company taxes, inflation soon will come.
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Green LT
HK-Tesla already stop factory expansion in China, US/China EV (NIO/XPEV/Li/BYD) trade war expect start very soon. My trade strategy is put your profit in your pocket first and review on daily basics the price trend. 当很多分析员都buy call的时候,我经常都会10-15% sell at discount. 5.5 * 0.85=4.68. So, tomorrow sell balance share at 4.50....卖飞就卖飞吧!
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Dan Danne
Good luck to you
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Green LT
HK-4.30 收纲,喝咖啡。等下一波了。吃了魚头鱼身,留点鱼尾给別人。
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Dan Danne
wow, mari belanja makan, haha
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Green LT
We make use of this platform to share trading info, nobody can buy at the lowest price and sell at the highest price. Enjoy your fish and PK game. 卖定离手,let it go and do not hesitate.
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Dan Danne
I like to share opinion and ideas of trading and investment, everybody has their own strategy, the matter is how much they want to take profits. I noticed some of the guy here, are non info sharing investor, they spread hates and fake news
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Warren B
yea everyone have their own strategy, as long as make money is good strategy..
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Green LT
HK-COVID 6075 cases, triple jump ignoring 5. Market panic sell. Only Gloves counters up up. Brent oil dip, US Premarket BIG RED. Expect KLSE will be big red as well. Lucky I have keep profit and cash in pocket. Awaiting to buy dip.
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Dan Danne
actually, if dont panic and the price not drop below your capital price, just keep it hang on, share price will rebounce, history proved that.
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Green LT
HK-my gang already sold most of the stocks, even with lost, to hold more cash on hand. Government in tremendous stress to revert back to MCO 1 status, close all factory for 2 weeks. Expect market will further dip.
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Dan Danne
If not confidence with the market, sold out all the holding stock is the best choice, I am waiting the market to go in recession, then it is chance to buy in some good PE ratio stock at lower price.
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Dan Danne
I do not pay too much attention on news, news by media some are fake, they are media platform used by investment banker to spread a company info, whether is good or bad news to attract investor and to affect investor emotion, as the case here is an example.
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Green LT
Those playing margin, should be worry tomorrow.
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Green LT
Smart money increasing to 40%. Looks good.
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Green LT
自己install 的trading system (FOC), 每个人都可以download的,有点像Homily System.
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Chia Cyril
Green lt 是那一种tranding system, 很像有很多种
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Dan Danne
go trading view.com, in indicator mode, select smart money mcdx, is free
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Chia Cyril
Hk Ngui 好像不能,lock掉了
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Green LT
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Roy Loo
你们用tview 是付费的吗 还是用免费的
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Green LT
Tview 是免费的,
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Roy Loo
@green 好的。。。。
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Dan Danne
chia, go to indicator, choose public library, choose smart mcdx
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Chia Cyril
Hk Ngui choose oredi 好像要premium 的才可以
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Dan Danne
premium need to pay, u use basic version will do, here cannot post screenshot, if can, i show u
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Chia Cyril
Hk Ngui 按了smart money mcdx然后?
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Dan Danne
is it u select smartmcdx in public library? if so then is correct, no need setting. i use default
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Green LT
HK-very good mentor and patience person. Much stronger than 强强。
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Dan Danne
i saw alot investor out of patience, maybe they are trader not investor, short term profit and hunted another stock
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HK Ngui very good tutorial tq so much
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Dan Danne
welcome, anyway, indicator is not 100% reliable, market drives by supply and demand and emotion. tq
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Chia Cyril
Hk Ngui thank you
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Dan Danne
Welcome, U look at public library, type mcdx smart money (kglap123), it is free
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muwo freer
@hk tq, yes mxdx works for me, but what do the red, yellow, green bars mean?
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Dan Danne
Muwo, red is smart money (banker), yellow is hot money (institution and FDI), green is retail investor.
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muwo freer
thanks HK, good to know how to track the 庄家
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Green LT
HK is a nice guy. As retails investor, we should make use of this platform to communicate each other and make profit from institution, not the PK Game.

Don’t be like 强强or 哈哈 哈哈talk without substantiate.
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Dan Danne
Green, in the stock market, there is certain people are generously to share their experience to the investor, but it is depend whether the investor would listen and learned or not, actually stock market is not a horrible place, certain people and big player make stock market like a casino, that is killing alot people.
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Warren B
@hk the yellow colour is fdi or fifo. last time someone said is fifo.
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Green LT
HK-agreed with your point. Unfortunately, there jokers here who refuse to learn and keep losing their hard earn money.
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Dan Danne
Warren, Green colour is Retailer (Avoid)..
Yellow is Hot Money (Fast in Fast Out.. can make money but need to be cautious)
Red is smart money, Banker (Solid stock with potentially strong institutional support). Simple as that, we just want to know how is the fund is moving rather than stick to the news or indicator. I only use few indicator that i feel useful for trading. Good luck to you, happy investing.
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Warren B
if banker sell the colour will reduce to yellow or green?
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Green LT
Warren-you have to use KLScreener chart as well and knowledge in TA to firm up your trading decision. That is the reason full time trader using 2-3 monitor to view the status. I won’t say you will make money, but we can minimise losses.
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Dan Danne
Green, I am George Soros and Peter Lynch admirer, haha
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Warren B
thanks green. apparently George soros n Peter make more money than Warren buffet
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Dan Danne
Yup, still need to use the moving average, trendline and volume profile indicator to spot the market possible trading prices
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Dan Danne
Warren Buffet investment strategy sometime is out dated, he lost to technology system, he not willing to split his own company stock, if do so, the value drop badly and he knew it. His long term value investment strategy is not working in Asian stock market.
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Green LT
HK-I am using few indicators to make decision such as MACD/Stock RSI/RSI/smart money/BB/EMA/volume. Follow by latest local and international news。 Lastly, review company fundamentals such as NTA/PE/P&L.

Once decided, final check on Risk/Reward ratio, Fib Ret, and plan the entry price and withdraw price.
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Dan Danne
Green, good to u,actually, for FA, i pay attention to cash flow, EPS, PAT, retained earning, Assets & Liabilities, P/B ratio, as for PE ratio for tracking movement of investor interest only. For TA, i use EMA 10, 20, 50, 200, RSI, MACD, trendline, squeeze momentum and MCDX smart money. Simple and easy.
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Green LT
HK-almost the same method.
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Green LT
PM just announce No Full MCO, no wonder KLSE climbing from -21 to -13.
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Dan Danne
yup, keep it simple
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Dan Danne
yes, i notice that, around 3.45pm stock jump up
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Dan Danne
Green, how u think about construction stock, share some opinion, TQ
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Green LT
HK, My plan as below, buy dip and for short term:-

1. Semicon/Tech stocks-most tech stock are selling to China and China economy is recovery very fast now. Example: Inari producing component for Apple which assembly in China.

2. Steel Industries-China stop buying from Australia and removes steel VAT rebate on export with intention to push up world steel price, reason to increase the inflation rate in US as Biden wants to uplift the infrastructure. If inflation rise, US Market go go and will crash. US tariff will cause import inflation push. Either one happening now, China will Win. Malaysia steel industry will benefit from high steel price.

3. Travel and leissure - Genting, Alcohol, Airlines, Airport because jail for so long, want to Jalan-Jalan and it immediately contribute to company revenue. For Airasia, need to watch out the liability and financial status.

4. Government budget and 5G project. Such as Immigrants system, award winner for government project. The most important is the maid and foreign workers system, passport. Government need to increase the spending to boost the economy.

5. Bank/Finance sector-if US raise interest rate, other countries will follow, sign of economy recovery. Bank will increase interest rate, stock price will go up. Means if market crash, Bank sector could be the safe place to invest. But have to monitor the customer bad debt and credit collection.

6. Oil counters-Need to close monitor Brent oil price, US oil storage level.

7. Construction-take 2-3 years to generate revenue for project. High risk because economy recovery will cause inflation, construction raw material (especially steel price) will increase, revenue will reduce. Market crash might cause construction on halt. Only invest when there is smart money goreng and for short term.

8. Glove/Medication-look see look see if Covid pandemic getting worsen.

Overall, construction is my 7th priority for investment. Only focus on few key market player IJM/Ekovest/Ecoworld/Sunway/Suncon. Look see look see for Jaks/Teladan/ TJSetia/YTL/SPSetia...
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Roy Loo
@green ur homework not bad ah.. How to be like you ah... Where to search those infor? Thanks
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Green LT
Roy-because I also invest in US Market and gather market info, this help me better understand Macro and Micro economy. Got to do own research.
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Dan Danne
Green, u done good job, u must be full time trader.
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Dan Danne
Green, panic sell caused by news, it is great tools use by investment banker to sold out the ticket on thier hand
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Dan Danne
Biden trillion dollar plan not yet go thru by the congress, Biden is strugling to get support there
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Green LT
HK-投资不是生活的全部,投资是为了更好的生活。我不是full time trader.我的理念是买在比较safe的底点,保护本金。不能够想着要得到多少的profit. 如果只想到买4.20,卖TP 5.50, 可以make huge profit. 那通常都会亏钱。不要忘了directors 很多ESOS 價在0.72.市场借中国EVgoreng, 我更要小心,走一步看一步,盯着smart money 的trend. 我还听说市场说会起到8.00, 我心里笑了。
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Green LT
Aug political instability and potential Election. Still have to play short term.

Once the QR out, if not impressive growth on revenue and profit, and smart money continue reducing, is time to sell. I never think how much profit can I make, I always protect my own money.

I think it hardly beat 20Q4 result because CNY shut down, 2 weeks closed due to staff infected by COVID( was mentioned in other group)....

Inari -10% vs 20Q4 on revenue and profit. I expect D&O probably will be -15% vs 20Q4.
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Roy Loo
@green. Oh that good. Just hope can be like u... Just the prblem duno start from where...
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Green LT
Roy-spend more time on research and analysis, because trading very short one, few minutes keyboard function only. After buying, you can sleep peacefully like baby at night.

Average research 4-5 potential buying stocks, holding existing 3-5 stocks, is good enough.
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Dan Danne
We dont know what the price of D&O will go in future, it is depend on market respond to it, In the mean time, I assume that the price will be sideway about RM 4, or unless the big player pushes the price up. The price may fall after the dividend, but I was wondering why it retained earning is negative and still able to give dividend.
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Dan Danne
We dont know what the price of D&O will go in future, it is depend on market respond to it, In the mean time, I assume that the price will be sideway about RM 4, or unless the big player pushes the price up. The price may fall after the dividend, but I was wondering why it retained earning is negative and still able to give dividend.
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Green LT
I am concern that price tested once to break through 5.40, this could be the peak. Than I observe fund manager reducing the holding % on daily basics. And the price tested twice to break down 3.80. Next week, if QR not good as expected, it may testing 3rd time for 3.80. In KLSE, usually will move downwards because sideway will lead to downward trend (盤久必跌).

Anyway, I still waiting for QR and smart money trend before re-enter this counter.

If poor QR, means 2020 was the best year price trend for D&O, don’t enter.
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Dan Danne
Yup, it is right, D&O debt is very high too, almost exceeded it assets, its all have to be observe after the dividend pay out, anyway, we dont know future price might be, just stay observe the volume and price movemnet
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Dan Danne
If more positively news about D&O, should mean that the investment banker trying to fry the stock price up again, but it maybe a trap for investor.
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Green LT
Let’s observe the smart money and QR report to conclude decision. Couple with MCO 3.1 advance version, next week is crucial trend.
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Dan Danne
Yes, lets observe how it goes by next week
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