Ryan Goh's comment on BCMALL. All Comments

Ryan Goh
2 Like · Reply
涨回了。。。居然被割韭菜了 。。。。。。
Seow Chee Chuan
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Tet Wah Law
seow 买了多少钱?
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Ryan Goh
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Izhen Tey
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Nicholas Bee
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dc yao
seow full of courage
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Nicole Cheng
这个counter 还有希望吗?
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Moon Chu
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Kelly Yeoh
Bcmall 原本是個好公司 賣給老千的公司 變成我們全部被割非菜
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Kelly Yeoh
我買在高價 住在高樓 還買特別多 因為對 之前的公司有信心 沒想到 會变這樣sad
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Ryan Goh
yeoh me too
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Kelly Yeoh
我們只有在等 因為住太高樓了 希望可以回到0.35 希望老千老闆 可以可憐我們這些 支持者
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Tembikai Pulasan
Ask WC come in buy call...this stock really con ppl
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Tet Wah Law
我total 亏7千6百。重伤
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waiting 0.35, 在高楼
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Tet Wah Law
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Kamal Ahdori
if i want to average down is it worth it or not
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