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结果股价掉了几仙,就怕了,haha。短期预测股价起涨没啥意思,准了顶过是运气和时运。长期持有最怕坚持了不该坚持的东四,如果因为是股价跌而慌了神,证明你对公司的业务不了解,而不是来这里看人家comment。 股市买卖自由,不需要人家讲了你持有公司的股票不好的话而愤怒,毕竟股市短期价格是供给决定走势,长期这是看公司业绩表现。。如果1个月股价动了一点就慌慌张张,那么和goreng kaki 有何不同呢? ~与大家共勉,祝各位投资愉快。
@Tan Jia Lee you were so quiet when the share price is high yet you jumped on others - the very first moment the share price fell in line with the market. Isn't this a short term thinking? By the way, I am confident in the long term price of UOA, let's see.