Haus Ever's comment on KLCC. All Comments

Haus Ever
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Md i bid 686 open 687 10lots pun tak kasih saya.
Vincent Loh
Yesterday I bought 6.87. Today sell off at 7.00...earn some angbao
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Haus Ever
Yalor sometime 1sen pun banyak penting.
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Vincent Loh
Yes. depend on luck. I never think today will rise to 7.06...hit and run...consider lucky
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Jeffrey Chan
vincent, how many lots you bought at 6.87?
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Vincent Loh
5 lots at 6.88 & 10 lots at 6.87. sold all at 7.00
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Jeffrey Chan
6.87 is very good price. sold all? you dont want the dividend? I only got 6.88 so far still keeping
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Vincent Loh
This is my second time buying/selling klcc in this year. Wait for good price will in again.
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Jeffrey Chan
thats good Vincent. KLCC seems quite reliable in paying yearly dividend
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Andrew Meng Kuan Tan
Can someone explain why this reit is good? I mean 4-5% yearly, many reits give that such as sunreit, pavreit, uoa reit with lower share price. Why this share is good? Can someone teach me?
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Jeffrey Chan
I think its quite obvious. all of the retailers knows that KLCC is the number 1 mall to be in. Its an iconic building where tourists are brought to see. Even Mid Valley Megamall or other malls cannot challenge. Waiting period to get into KLCC is very long, sometimes wait more than 1 year. Also you have Petronas as anchor tenant in office lots. Last year they do not give rental discounts to some tenants even thought MCO cannot open. Additionally if you see their past dividend its quite consistent. The share price is good too. Even IB knows that REIT is quite defensive (not so prone to fluctuations). bad news is REIT quite boring, price dont fluctuate much so cannot speculate. If you want dividend, REIT is the way to go. I choose KLCC for above reasons and also I like investing in big cap and dont like smaller caps for the higher risk they carry. personal opinion, not recommendation to buy or sell.
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Guan Teik Yeoh
Why is this REIT good? Steady income, low price fluctuations and proven great location. Don't just look into the yield, look into other perspective as well. I've never regretted holding this for more than 5 years.
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