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Malaysia-based Greatech will serve as ATLIS's strategic partner for comprehensive battery pack production. Greatech will supply all parts, equipment, and machinery required to form ATLIS's limited-run prototype battery pack assembly line
"We have successfully designed, developed, and tested prototype battery cells and packs that meet all necessary specifications," said ATLIS CEO Mark Hanchett. "This next step is to move to small-scale production at our Arizona facilities. Media Tech has 20 years of intensive research, production experience, and its ability to quickly scale production to meet capacity needs, and Greatech is one of the world's leading automation solution providers with extensive experience in battery pack production. Both companies are a perfect fit with our business strategy and timeline."
Atlis Motor Vehicles is an exciting new company that Greatech is happy to be partnered with for Battery Manufacturing," said Greatech CEO EK Tan. "Greatech is pleased to work with Mark and his team at Atlis Motors to help them bring their new battery technology to market."
Jeff 在吗?。那一天你说greatech 是跟Panasonic 电池有业务来往。不过跟Panasonic Malaysia 太阳能业务没来往。所以Panasonic malaysia太阳能业务 zap lap 也不会影响greatec. 今天我查到了。你说的没错。请问你是哪里来的消息?。又快又准。。
恭喜各位! EV production line 开始贡献盈利了,这个季度的订单也只是刚刚进入这个领域的小订单,而且这一次的 profit margin 不跌反增,证明了公司并没有为了进攻新领域获得订单而把价格调低,而且展望里面说明老板接下来还要提高profit margin,证明公司有质量和能力保持高 profit margin 的状态继续拿订单,同时看好未来 EV 领域对公司的贡献逐渐增加