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哎呀!沒有當家,不知道當家苦。馬國的文化是,逃稅,貪污腐敗,大盜。之前的GST,沒有GST的小生意老闆,也起價。拿了GST,沒有交去LHDN。原本是起RM0.06, 他們會起到RM0.10, 說方便收錢。哈哈!收了又是自己 masuk account sendiri. 馬國上梁不正下樑歪的文化已經根深蒂固了。
The LOA is not subject to the approval of the shareholders of IRIS.
The Company will make further announcement should there be any material updates in relation
to the Project.
This announcement is dated 29 January 2021.