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Kyory Lau's comment on GENTING. All Comments

Ng Jia Han
Kyory red to extend further, will it break 3.9?
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Kyory Lau
See how is it in the afternoon.. regional market don't seem better while 6pm news whether is good or not for Genting hard to say.. for me tomorrow morning is better play if the news is not good for Genting.. so another morning sell off will be good enter for rebound.. since if includes today also drop at closing is 4 days in a row..
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Ng Jia Han
Star reported emergency order may be invoked, sigh,
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Ng Jia Han
If long term hold what are your thoughts?
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Kyory Lau
Long term I don't think have problem
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teikchye kee
If you want to sell, sell first don't wait for announcement. Now, the price holding on for you to sell. Quickly, do it.
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Kyory Lau
Uncle Kee.. I think by information sharing is ok for all of us but advise people to sell or buy better not cos no one able to predict the results and if turn otherwise are you going to repay what people loss due to your advice to sell at current price?
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teikchye kee
@Kyory Lau, downtrend if ppl play contra, how?
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Ng Jia Han
Thank you both for you thoughts, not to worry on both opinions just need an honest opinion and reasoning, if not valid I would set it aside with a pinch of salt ?
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Kaiba AA
its not your money either Uncle Kee. Making recommendations for sell or buy, i can screenshot and show to Bursa as illegal advise.
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Kyory Lau
Even is people play contra uncle.. if sudden rebound for 2 days and only drop again are you going to pay for the contra loss?
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Vivian Tan
true kyory, owes hear those ppl keep advise to cut loss, later rebound only can see and regret..
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Kyory Lau
Ya Vivian, I think everyone of us also hope buy low but will not simply advice people to sell cos no chart indication or indicators are 100% correct..
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KM Chan
maybe uncle kee got license leh. Kaila don't report uncle la
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teikchye kee
Everyone has freedom of speech.
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Kaiba AA
Won't report la CK. Where got time for this tiny things. hahaha. Anyway he dint earn or lost my money either as buy/sell solely my decision. But if anyone lose money and decides legal action then gg edi.
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Kyory Lau
Freedom to speech yes uncle.. we are not saying you wrong just market up or down really out of every person can expect, just don't wish later if we wrong about the market and if its affect us ok but don't wish drag others people around.. it is every person responsibility for their own investment. Just my 2 cents of opinion. You can share information based on your valid debate I think we are more than happy to know and learn more.
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11 Like · 4 years · translate
Ming Kang Chai
Kee is the type of person whose commonly classified as 小人. Whatever negative messages you bring here everyone known about it so you don’t have to emphasis it. I believe remaining investors here have factor in those risks, whoever not happy with his current price just sell it.
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2 Like · 4 years · translate
Ah soon Tan
He is 烂臭小人。。。
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Jeffrey Chan
Kyory, I agree with you.

No one should ever ask others to sell at a loss or chase high. Again, I cannot stress enough that we do not know other's circumstances. If any unsolicited advise no matter how sincere causes grievances or losses to the other party, will we feel bad emotionally or morally when at the time of giving such advise did so without a care for the other party? Generally, the Chinese value reputation above all else. Question, should one risk one's own reputation by giving such ill advised opinion? Readers here should also know that caveat in whatever they read as some advise are done Mala Fide.
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