Yoke Chorng Lee's comment on FINTEC. All Comments

Yoke Chorng Lee
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为什么公司大赚钱还需要right issue呢?请个位大大可以帮小弟解释一下吗?谢谢
Louis Khoo
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Johnson Lim
因为公司现在赚的都是paper gain
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Johnson Lim
公司right issue是要开始fintec glove project
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Jesica Olivia
我不信会做手套 这个老板最在行的不是做手套
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steve ethan
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Johnson Lim
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Daniel Scotty
对,很多人看哀AT, 结果短时间内做出手套,不过还是有人酸是别公司的厂XD
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Daniel Scotty
AT 有经验了就会帮Fintec manage 和做手套
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Teh o Ice
感觉fintec 要回来了
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kenny sbh
2年内起到rm0.120 就满足了
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kenny sbh
在尝试收 rm0.070 的票
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JF Property
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RI 不就已经进老板口袋了吗
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steve ethan
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JF Property
RI 是進fintec 副口,不是進老板的副口,老板如果不低买高卖,哪里有空头。
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kenny sbh
Pursuant to Rule 9.19(51) of the ACE Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, FINTEC wishes to announce that it has offered options to eligible employees under its SIS, the details of which are as follows:-

(a) Date of offer : 30 December 2020
(b) Exercise price of options offered : RM0.08
(c) Number of options offered : 270,000,200
(d) Market price of FINTEC’s shares on the date of the offer : RM0.08 each
(e) Number of options offered to Directors of FINTEC : Nil
(f) Vesting period of options offered : Not applicable
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kenny sbh
请问有什么看法 ?
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kenny sbh
到底是 洗盘 还是 出货呢?
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James May
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Wen Rong
都洗了40%了 差不多了....
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