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If ESOS RM0.19.. will u think the company will let the price at RM0.19? Please think wisely.. Now is the time to collect.. I already collect RM0.175 a lots today.. thanks seller.. AT has a bright future.. so don't hesitate to BUY... Ur profit will come very soon... only now we need to wait settle PP & ESOS & SIS 1st.. after that u will see AT going UP & UP NON-STOP... All these is my own opinion.. whoever agree.. Buy & collect at 9am sharp.. whoever disagree please sell share at 9am sharp tomolo
he underestimated fintech's way of goreng share... common sense don't work in this counter.. Samuel is just a chartist or an office boy that convey his boss message.
Stop wasting your time lah Samuel. The fact is company shares diluted too much in Pp Esos and sis. Although have any good news or profit of this company. It is hard for AT to goes up anymore.
FYI, GETS news was Petronas joined investment with GETS to build 170 gloves lines at Taiping.
AT is counted on private placement to build glove lines..
shit lor. more ESOS to press down the price... how many AT staffs still holding at 0.19?? the operator just issue more ESOS for his own gain in no of shares, not for the benefits of their employees .
Alex Howe, this con artist didn't delete his post. Lim Kong deleted his buy call post when its not going his way.. Lim Kong is not con artist, he is thick skin con man
The ESOS never written FIXED Price to any director. Secondly, the ESOS should be fix with a tenure date. Third, if u notice when ESOS announcement occur they will either sell little by little in the market through limit order or by means of selling it lower to generate cash when the public is cheated with the company's business background.
Ni org tengok pun tau x boleh pakai la. Ingat sendiri pro, padahal taik btul. Samuel, lim kong, eyes cold, Jack trader buat malu je dkat msia share market. Patutla warganegara asing pun gerlak sama kita
Make Report to aduan@seccom.com.my and let them investigate why the Eligible Persons indirectly participate in the deliberation or discussion in respect of their own allocation , mean someone behind manipulate it so let SC check those account n interview the director.
Once SC investigate & found the number of new Shares to be allocated to any Eligible Person who, either
singly or collectively through persons connected with such Eligible Person,
holds 20% or more of the total number of issued shares of the Company then they kena
Kenny Tan he quoted "will u think the company will let the price at RM0.19? "
Maybe price fly RM0.30 later he will come out reply and show he still alive........lol but i doubt already inside trap since Mr Mak recently so busy