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To all who look down on banks. Please see their profits before covid. Please see their latest QR even before covid end. Maybank and CIMB was profiting billions and was not even bragging. They have history records of good business. But TG profits cant be certain able to sustain more than 3years. So, bank I think still haven't fully recover their price.
kaiba, if not mistaken, eg for CIMB they charge 6 months interest which is not charge during moratorium period in one goal in October. is the billion profit inclusive the uncharged interest? if yes, then the profit seems unsatisfy.
Kaiba AA who look down on bank? I buy cimb at RM 3.10 (this is under value). If CIMB more than RM 4.1 buy in... Hi Kaiba you buy more than 2 years price and maybe no give any dividend. THE PRICE NO HIGH ??? Do you have read qr report
You cant speculate bank counter. Bank counters have always been for investors looking for good dividend ROI. Bank counters are popular for long terms investment only. Like you wanna create 2nd EPF, bank counter is recommended.
Dont need to worry about the price drop. Eventually the profit n future profit will reflect into the share price. This is just Q1 2021 financial year. 3 more QR to go.
Bank offer better dividend in long run. Glove demands drop & so will be the dividend. Gloves are in hot demands during pandemic time. And I invested more than half a million in Genting. Much more invested in banking counters. Recovery stocks are future. Still stuck with a small amount of supermx.
bursa as i know now banks have tighten their loan facilities, which means that they are aware of the risks and many NPL will happen in the following quarters, just wait and see. If they tighten their loan facilities, means that their earning power will going down too. that's why I said the share market is too optimistic, just like AA, do you think they can recover within these 6 months?
shopee but i think the bi doesnt help in reducing the risk on business risk such as bad debt in loan repayment received from customer? i tot BI is just basically make the share price more cheaper so tat more liquity of the shares? nothing to do with the risk
agreed with Yo Lo, if split shares able reduce the risk, everyone will follow. Then there are no risk in the market... Laugh die me.... hahaha.... what type of theory is this?
shopee i think u misunderstood the meaning of bonus issue.... it will be double killing if the share price drop , since u hold one share, eventually will become 5 shares after bi , and business risk will never reduce by BI
We should thank JP Morgan talking nonsense so that we can buy cheap tickets. do you guys noticed that their portfolio hold 9.8% of Topglov? Since they look down the future of gloves, why still want to hold the shares? looks funny and not logic
Tay, seems like you're all over the place. Tomorrow is the day either make or break. It already touching the support last friday. if it breaks below the support line, you know what u need to do.