Andy Tan's comment on DPHARMA. All Comments

Andy Tan
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Cindy Chan
好像是 包装 运输等
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M K Wong
currently they produce many type of vaccine and medications....their facility for production may need to upgrade in order to produce for covid vaccine but at least it's faster than any companies that only say they will produce vaccine. When the formula for the vaccine is ready....the current pharna companies will be faster to start production. They already have the distribution channel and ready customer in terms of hospitals and clinics nationwide. Also, the major shareholder is PNB and EPF....
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M K Wong
if there are any tender for govt hospital supplier...can you guess who will get it? Will abang give adik or will they give it to someone else?
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Andy Tan
so you assume they will get the formula and produce?
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rlkw 1974
No, they won't produce
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CP Ooi
By packing and certified Halal. And send to Arab country to make profit. Just my 2cents
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M K Wong
whoever will head the govt you think that if there is opportunity to make profit....they will ignore PNB, EPF and Tabung Haji from getting a slice of the cake? remember....PNB hold ASB and ASN....if they don't make to pay dividend to that 2? Ask yourself this....what kulit ppl holding ASN and ASB? can they afford not to pay dividend to these "investor"?
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Jonathan Pang
有生产药一条龙不过如果covid 应该只是封装卖运输
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