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duck won't out... he will out if tg got bad news again or when he pharma up... I'm still waiting his team to push until 4. 4... 2weeks already still can't push until 4.4!!
ok la everybody, just let little duck have some peace... he also need to cari makan. maybe just blow water here during pass time when wait for customer. we also joking and get entertained nia la.
ohhh stuck at 4.2... no wonder keep saying his team will push until 4.4 la hahahahah.. I think his team maybe is us... he keep comment this.. maybe want us join him.. help him push til 4.4 then he can out..
hahaha you all still have less than 24 hours to buy Kanger at a very low price. when tomorrow see me up 99 and your TG got bad news again then do not regret o bro