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SBB can only execute when the board think the price is undervalued. It’s not personal decision, the company is using shareholders money to do so. There will be accountants and analysts to support the decision.
i rather company use 100M to acquire Karex 15% share.Then discuss M&A with Karex. Since KareX so eager to do glove bussiness, Tg wanna become fortune 500
Don M&A isn’t as simply as that. And I don’t think 100m can acquire 15% of Karen. One more thing, when the news come out Karex share price will shoot up. I believe TG tried this to another company forgot what’s the name ady before and it ended up not well.
SBB is using comp money, all the shareholders agree only can go ahead.. Also, they r using millions to buy back.. If comp is falling, y bother to soend this millions? Jz split this millions among all the shareholders n say good bye la.. Y airasia dun do share buy back? Somemore ask ppl to google. Funny la
Woei Yes and is because it’s undervalued, that’s why the decision can be executed. And I believe it’s a good sign as based on history after SBB most likely company share price will be going up.