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Only aminvest and that is also Hold call not sell call. Citigroup and other institutional investors kept on acquiring the dips for topglov. Basic investing. You put money when you think the company is profitable. Anything you wanna say against tg making huge profits? Or maybe you’re just trying to steal some retail guys to go buy your preferred stocks? Haha good effort
how long that fat profit can sustain? whole life or certain period? we have seen exaggerate rally to the peak. citigroup is like EPF,they'll throw when the price peak again thanks to naive guys that follow the goreng
Do you think the demand will drop soon? Doesn’t seem like it. Most probably will have higher demands to administer vaccine and there’s a hell lot of vaccine to administer haha demand stays then profit stays. In fact many companies post terrible earnings these few quarters. So quite a no brainer to invest in such high profit well performing stocks. Unless you have other points to share I’m open to listen to your 2 cents ;)
demand will be fulfil by other glove stocks companies. top glove is not monopolying the market. that's why I said there won't be fat profit
it's not realistic.
I bet the report will say otherwise. Remember there is more people to be vaccinated than those being treated with covid now. Thus demanding more gloves. And come on we also don’t want monopoly in the economy but we both know tg is the biggest rubber glove company. Spot prices keep going up. What makes you so uncertain? I wanna know because at least i can reassess my risk too
Demand will be fulfill by other company? Do u knw market share of topglove and their plan in expanding? Those new entry into glove industry takes how many market share only? Can they even survive in competing with top 4? Is asp dropping?
expand not because of who bigger. haha. it's to meet demand and profit. when supply more than demand do you think top glove can maintain that fat profit for long? top glove is great company but people goreng until overvalue.
There won’t be oversupply anytime soon. Just like i said there are billions of people that will be administered vaccine to which is a far greater number than the covid cases now. And all those will require a lot of glove usage. Until you can give a solid proof of oversupply I can’t really say i agree with you ?
glove supply cannot be met by one glove company, that's why there's so many glove companies enter the arena. even top glove booked all the contracts can TG deliver on time? they have the capacity to meet all demands?
2 years is just an estimate. world are sharing among themselves the covid19 data so very soon vaccine will be produced successfully.
Very simple ... sell your ticket if there is no faith .. keep if you believed in their fundamental. Everyone gots his own point and view .. nobody can tell how high it can go and how far they will drop ??
I prefer investing rather than speculating like that. You might not be able to enter low after this especially bonus issue around the corner. So all the best for your strategy mate
Let’s say it’s not topglove stocks we’re talking. When you get one hold call and others are putting buy call what would you do? Especially if that stock is the biggest player in it’s industry with supernormal profita at the moment? Even aminvest is not confident enough to put a sell call but instead they put a neutral view now. And you know why, they’re downgrading just bcs of the recent drop. If tg share price go higher these same people will put on a new tp and a buy call and by that time it’s pretty much too late i guess
khairul, vaccine news anytime will out. even the price from 4.xx increase up to 6 fold to 26 that's already showing the optimism but more than 26 it's exaggerate
like I said you can buy , anything more than 25 do you think it's reasonable? there's all the hype that it's breach 30. can your heart take it even some vaccine news pop out?
that's easy for you to say when most of the hardcore supporter purchase way below 20. of course there'll be good sentiment that glove stock will be higher and that's only good for you. people taking the risk for your fat profit to jack up the stock price. haha.
Might be true. Not gonna argue with that. But it’s also not impossible. Many other stocks worlwide have shown such roi can be attained. It all depends or your risk assessment and appetite. If these rubber glove companies received more demand once vaccine is compulsory to be administered one day all the gains will make sense. Especially when not many industries are performing well now. With around 24-25 mil of cases worldwide these companies already thrived like crazy. Imagine if cincai you give the vaccine only to 2 billion people. I just can’t see their demand going down anytime soon. Remember, high can go higher. And yes it can fall but that’s the risk that is needed to be weighed if you believe it’ll make supernormal returns. If it’s low risk and less research needed then everyone can jump on it and make easy money. Now it depends on your calculations and the risk you plan on taking and i wish you all the best with your choice
Thats how u think with relevant instead of blinding with news, i never call buy but think of the reason to sell the company. Due to news or stock price fluctuation while the value of the company still there and secured order for the next year?
order secured that's why it had reached the peak. how much more order top glove can take? can you deliver if you taking more order while capacity remain the same? at the same time fully maximise all manpower and machinery?
What are you talking about? that’s why they are constantly expanding. To keep up with the demand. You think they don’t consider if vaccine was to appear and they might lose more money from expanding? But they still expand because of the reasons i told you above. More gloves are needed and there’s no better company to be trusted than these big rubber glove companies.
current price reflect the capability of top glove. I would say it's peak stock price. demand of gloves is based on future prediction. can you imagine when vaccine successfully approved and injected into the masses. what happens to those extra capacity of gloves factory? yes profit is there but is it fat profit or normal profit? gloves demand will shrink down very fast and how they address this?
And do you really think the current capacity of gloves is enough to administer vaccine to billions of people? They are playing catch up with demand even with only 25million cases currently. So this is where we contradict. No one’s wrong. But we have different view on the capacity of gloves needed when vaccine is available and i have full respect with your opinion. It’s just that i see it differently
If you really worry about the future, you can ignore the counter or buy put warrant. Dont have to analyse so much here and wasting your time and energy. People tends to follow trend, and everyone has their own strategy. Just stick on your own strategy will do and let people earn/lose their own money. What they buy and what the sold has nothing to do with you
It’s just fun to discuss. You’ll hear opinions you don’t get from the news. Quite important at the moment because of the high retail participation in the market rn. This kinda discussions can be quite intriguing haha
we can't over predict the future. who knows AI will administer the vaccines ? since it's so contagious.
I am not asking you to sell, but be realistic of the company value. it's because of the pandemic it becomes a gem. imagine no pandemic, can it be 20+ ? just my 2 cents
YinG vaccines company will make advance preparations to be selected by gov to cater for mass productions. that part you don't have to worry. the most important humane part is that we are almost breakthrough as day passed
I agreed TG might at peak of production capacity at this rate, I believe their production capacity is at around 95%. And this is the time where spot rate and spot order jump in. With the market knowing the supply of glove in the whole market is limited, they willing to pay premium (spot rate) to ensure the delivery lead time is faster. You can see the production for spot order has been increased to 30% as compared to previous few months. With more spot orders coming in, it will benefit the co.
I am not feeling offended. Just asking you dont waste time and energy only. People has their own preference. I dont know how to predict future, but now the trend is glove counter. Just let them follow the trend. So they support their gloves, you support your vaccine. Both are happy.
We invest because it is an uptrend stock now. Even though price drop 1-2 ringgit a day doesn’t matter because we know the upcoming quarter will be doing good. Current price still has more upside. We will periodically monitor the trend and get updated with the latest news and decide the next move. Happy investing guys !
Results will tell. Analysts are expecting PAT 1.3 to 1.4b for coming quarters. Before covid, one quarter is around 100m++. And current order lead time is 400 to 500 days. Topglove also collected 20% to 30% deposits. In my opinion, one year profits locked. Correct me if I am wrong.