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quarrying industry, with operations in drilling and blasting,rock crushing also involved in the manufacturing and sales of road asphalt products as well as infrastructure and building construction works. I don't think so this is rubbish counter.
shopping time. go collect till 0.23 and collect again at 0.18c .. no cut loss for minetec always collect hahahahahahahah collect till 5c. below that collect some more haiiiiyaaaa hahaha collect collect
Bist..bist...sell and buy, buy and sell.. this is a normal..but i not losing a hope this counter will be rise..after 3x overbrought...price need adjusted...let see if can break support .255-260..
2days ago. PETALING JAYA: Minetech Resources Bhd plans to expand its business operations to Kazakhstan in construction and oil and gas (O&G) projects...big suprise me..because i'm a part of the constuction project Oil&Gas in Kazakhstan under TENGIZCHEVROIL.
yaa yaa. people expected reversal since 30c .. then 28c.. then 26c.. now at 24c also exepected reversal. congrats. lets continue expected at 20c and next 18c :)
You might be right. Well just let see how’s go. I bought this stock previously just for some testing purpose. Minor lost hundred not a big deal still. ;)
people used to mocking me when i said this counter will go to 18C. 20c is low enough. i cant imagine this counter go lower than 20c. but as i said before. you can keep collect till 10c. no problem. the worst is this company wont go delisted. maybe 5c is gud price to hold.
@min can you give me counter go up when klci correction? How many counter go up? Are you talking like many counter go up when minetec go down.. So funny la bro haha