Chiashirn Lee's comment on AEON. All Comments

Chiashirn Lee
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yutaka tong
99 speed biz model is very low operations cost, low number of staff, low rental, high turnover of goods. people nowadays don't buy from aeon mall for clothing hardware electric product etc since got many competitors
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yutaka tong
will you still buy clothes electric etc product from aeon except food. the answer is clear
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Chiashirn Lee
East Msia no tesco, no comments. But jb tesco fxk up compare aeon. Sunway at kl, 99 most at rural area. Aeon I like bcoz style thr do suitable for whole family.
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Chiashirn Lee
My opinion, giant supermarkets will survive after Covid19. Only the small business shops can't stand long bcoz they mostly will beat by online retailers.
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yutaka tong
like doesnt mean will spend buy things from aeon. only window shopping zero sales. since my friend working in aeon told me they cutting staff to look after whole floor
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Chiashirn Lee
Cut staff or even retrench staff is a goods news for investors. Window shopping oso at least can see people means can earn some rental rather than some malls no people at all.
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Hoong Siew
company change to Ai then cut staff is good for investor,profit reduce cut staff is a bad news
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Kent Khor
I think it will become Unmanned Supermarket in future
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yutaka tong
they already cut staff until only left few people only to look after the whole selling floor few years ago.
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MJ3 nicedeal
I wonder those giving so many negative comment like AEON gonna bankrupt why still staying here? U can ignore n leave to other counter right? No point arguing. Go medical n tech sector. AEON damm expensive now. No cheap tickets for u. PN17 later. Let me park some here. lol.
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Kim Sh
Everyone can share their opinion, no right or wrong, just two cents
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Kim Sh
连卖鱼卖菜的都搬上fb live, Have a look on Shoppee Mart, Grab Mart. They drag a lot of customer from retailers
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Kim Sh
Can rebound but not sure on the timeline. It can be a very long time. If have plenty of money to hedge and large holding power. Then definitely not a problem at all...
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Kenneth Lee
this few week i go to compare 3 aeon in northen side. my friend go to survive center side.we want to get a look like same people comment the aeon look like want to close shop. we get our unswer. haha.
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Ray Lee
Kenneth good or bad?
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Kenneth Lee
depend on bussiness area and customer need.we also count the shop lot still available for lease. few branch is very good, few not as expected. but management has do something to improve better, but need to compare the result.
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Heaven Jay
Remember padini, poh Keong some other famous brand also rent shop lot at Aeon, so I ppl condemn aeon... Mean padini or some other counter also no hope
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Heaven Jay
Company with capex is sure with high borrowing...Aeon business is look like traditional retail business, but the actual profit is from rental same as reit counter.
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Heaven Jay
Aeon is own the property & building rent out shop lot..
Ppl windows shopping at Aeon, still need buy food & drink parking fee it will benefit whole cycle..
Giant, tesco, Aeon big business concept is traditional rent business premises and selling FMCG, therefore hard to survive in long term
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Kenneth Lee
aeon store may not a issue but aeon mall/shopping mall is a challenge for them.
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Heaven Jay
Some ppl look at financial but not really understand whole business...
Padini / hup seng is good counter balance sheet is cash rich but company with less asset not involve in capex therefore no borrowing...doesn't mean good for long term
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Kenneth Lee
some people like to look surface operation to determine the whole bussiness.
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yutaka tong
a lot of empty lot in aeon in small town nowadays. rental already drop to rm2k a month but still empty.
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Kenneth Lee
if now aeon all shop lot rent out but result like that, i already cabut no1
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PH voter
Aeon goods is too expensive compare to other hypermarkets. I won't go to shopping at Aeon anymore.
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Kim Sh
Retest support 0.81
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Kenneth Lee
kim sh, i want to challenge 0.75, most people have many bad comment on aeon, let see got people sell down or not.
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Kim Sh
Just hope ppl will not panic sell when QR is out.
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谢双全(James Cheah)
QR is expected good...Malaysia hypermarket GDP increase during Q2
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Kim Sh
April Full month lock down. Onlybslightly recover syart from May
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谢双全(James Cheah)
Aeon still operated during lock down..
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wilson lee
Aeon is shopping center for families cover all needs
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wilson lee
99 just a grocery store
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Kim Sh
Seems like 0.81 is support
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Chiashirn Lee
Stable on 0.8+ now ,one day will fly.
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Kent Khor
Sunset business model
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Kenneth Leong Kar How
0.81 support already break again...
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Ng Xian
Kenneth can tahan?
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yutaka tong
putting all in one counter is a very high risk.
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Kenneth Leong Kar How
Ng xian- I will put here until next year..
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Kim Sh
Last time you said, break 0.81 cut loss?
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yutaka tong
when the value is too big, its very hard to make a cutloss decision.
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yutaka tong
a tense situation will create another wrong buying decision since mind is not stable. those with very big capital are very steady and have a clear mind to buy at a better price. there is a reason why rich people become richer
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Kenneth Leong Kar How
already lost many more few hundred doesn't make hurt....
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Chiashirn Lee
Today bought another 7 0 lots, total 200lot now, average price 0.906. Wouldn't buy in anymore no matter how much price drop again.
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Heaven Jay
Glove stock start collapse, Q2 expected huge net loss air asia, genting/genm start moving up.
Aeon volume surge this few days & some signal.. Decide by urself is either slowly collect or cut loss oversold share..
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Chiashirn Lee
Neither one, just keep for long term.
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Chiashirn Lee
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yutaka tong
if really want to buy. just wait until price stabilize for few days first before decide. keep on average down without patient will be trap at lower price.
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Heaven Jay
Epf ceased & dispose all air Asia, media, star shares in this year...but keep buying / avg down aeon shares at low prices...
明年今日, 当你在回头看下当下不安疑虑。。自然就有答案
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Wing Yi Yong
one the easiest way to predict the market is when you see yutaka tong commented, if he comment 'bad stock' time to buy, if he comment 'maybe' time to hold, if he comment 'good' then it's time to exit hahaha
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Chiashirn Lee
Good idea, haha.
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Kenneth Lee
wing, good point, same as previous airasia.
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Min Kuan Lau
Agree with heaven Jay....
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Jacob Loo
I have read some of your comment, this stock can recover but if u dont have patient or you need fast cash, i have to say sorry
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Heaven Jay
盒马生鲜 alibaba successful at China , youtube got
Aeon just launch aeon rider is copy 盒马生鲜business model, it is work at local? I really duno... Grab food & food panda is successful business model for this 2 year..
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Jacob Loo
I have read some of your comment, whoever is right or wrong, time will prove.This stock can recover but need some time, if u dont have patience or you need fast cash, i have to say sorry. Since Epf has joinned, yeah actually can buy little but have to remember Epf is player too 人家财力雄厚到时就是耐力战,说不定明天起1仙,之后跌2仙;或者继续跌慢慢起回来 if suddenly rocket faster run :D. Conclusion: can buy but need time 要为自己的行为(投资or赌博)负责就好。
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Kim Sh
Epf可以hold个几年。没几个散户可以。看看几块钱的股价跌到现在破1块。散户有钱跟epf斗Avg down的次数?
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Kim Sh
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Chiashirn Lee
够了,现在我会再买进就只在0.60. 我也会hold for long long term 到退休。
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Heaven Jay
Aeon management is doing something & evolve business model.. Aeon and padini share maybe will take 1 yrs to recovery not for speculate
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Chiashirn Lee
日本人应该会想出多多的idea, 没那么容易倒的。
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Jacob Loo
我现在怀疑Chishirn Lee是不是Aeon派来的大使/间谍,讲笑的。输或者赢,聊天讲股是很美好的事,晚安
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Heaven Jay
Kim sh 你短期投机有赚很多吗??
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Kim Sh
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Kim Sh
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Kim Sh
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Kenneth Leong Kar How
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Hoong Siew
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Hoong Siew
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Kenneth Lee
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Chiashirn Lee
AEON Nta 1.19, 说明变卖全部资产每股还可以拿1. 19资金。所以说,破船还能有三寸钉。
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Kim Sh
它可以低迷很多年才来破产。为了nta ,等个几年是不值得的
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Kim Sh
要分析一间公司,像hoong siew这样才对。但看表面有没人潮是不行的
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Heaven Jay
了解三五年Financial audit report, 也许可以去问问前辈。。也该清楚整个生意model
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Heaven Jay
Top glove 真的有前景长期 TP 77 可以破100.... all in 敢敢去一定赚大钱的
两年后在来唱我亏钱, aeon Japan ltd破产
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Kenneth Lee
kim sh,你有keep aeon share 吗?
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Kim Sh
好的, 没问题。记得不要半途cut loss就行了。要等到回调到1以上或破产。
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Kim Sh
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Hoong Siew
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Hoong Siew
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Hoong Siew
手上才24m还给56m dividend,借钱派息的公司可以放弃
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Hoong Siew
有没人懂什么是 right of use asset 是指什么东西?
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BC Chan
AEON 自从2014年Q2 把新山其中一间商场卖给日本母公司做 REIT 后大派发股息,之后就跌跌不休... 真是耐人寻味
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BC Chan
2014 Q1 nta : 4.82 , Q2 nta: 1.91
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BC Chan
AEON Big 的拖欠债务,不知道会不会造成更大问题~ ~
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Min Kuan Lau
Bc chan.... 2015 nta drop bcs capital changes... Dilution la...
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BC Chan
Any prospect to bounce back in future?
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Kim Sh
No, on the way to drop more further
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yutaka tong
aeon biz model won't able to sustain with big debts. no point to take risk. still got many alternative out there
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Kenneth Leong Kar How
yutaka how u comment about Bauto...
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Kim Sh
Kenneth you still hold aeon?
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Kenneth Lee
sell more, sell more, i am wait at 0.7
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Kenneth Leong Kar How
half only....50lot..
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yutaka tong
bauto still got a support at 1.30 base on previous rebound at around 1.35. this qr should be no good due to mco. another qr will see some sales with tax exemption
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Min Kuan Lau
Ken Lee... 50 x 100 or x 1000
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yutaka tong
keep bullet for bank counter.its much more profitable stable compare to aeon retail biz. rebound faster when economy back to normal.
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Kenneth Leong Kar How
yutaka-which bank is ur prefer...may,cimb,am
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yutaka tong
big banks will be able to handle the selling presure since majority shares hold by big institutions..
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Heaven Jay
Aeon already control by epf....
Epf & Kwap keep sell bank share, even most of the banker didn't buy bank shares now.. They know the reason behind..
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