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-For Q4 (Apr, May & June), with new biz model to do away with middleman and also increase in ASP, average ASP increase by only USD30 per box (net of incremental distribution & admin expenses)
-USD forex rate : 4.20
-So total impact easily : 6,000,000 x 30 x 4.2 = RM756,000,000
-Tax at 24%
-So PAT impact for Q4 shd be RM756mil x 76% = RM574,560, 000
ONLY Supermax have dual stream of profit generator, manufacture profit and distribution profit
1. Jan 2020 Before covid
Manufacture selling price at USD 23/1000pc
Distribution selling price at USD 37/1000pc.
2. 18 Mar - 15 April
Manufacture selling price marked up to USD 50/1000pc, ASP hike 117%
Distribution marked up selling price up to USD 50/1000pc, ASP hike 43%
3. 15 April - 15 May
Manufacture selling price marked up to USD 70/1000pc, ASP hike 205%
Distribution marked up selling price to