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donald trump kacau again la, confirm few days later he will say everything is good with china again. each time something like this happen, expect global market to fall around 3-5% for the next 2-3 days. If IMF gdp forecast tmr is good, market will go green again thurs/fri. That being said, trump probably already knew whats gonna happen tmr for the gdp forecast.
油气perdana和ecowrld我都有买,哈哈哈哈!!可是中期啦…我不怕,下行风险有限,上涨空间很大,我可以拿时间跟它玩,perdana今天出的业绩我很满意,Had we excluded the impact of
exceptional items of RM10.9 million impairment loss and RM4.3 million unrealised foreign
exchange loss, Perdana Petroleum would have recorded a profitable first quarter operationally
which is a rare feat.