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那些不懂的人就给你害死了,乱乱喊call buy, 乱乱喊 all in, 票数不一样,不代表老板跑了然后说给你票买,只是看那老板想不想和你们共进退罢了,老板都跑了,哪里有power留着人,全部人也跟着散了,你却还在这里喊all in, 明明就被套着高楼,想要人家来解救你,那价位以上到那里,第一个跑的就是你了。
同意 Ronald tee 说的~ 有信心有 holding power 的就 hold, 没信心的就放呗
我之前大部份买的价格 1.60 很低,后来有 top up 一点在 3块多,平均起来不是很高楼
只是买来长远投资放一边因为觉得这只股的业绩比 ruberrex 好而且价格低所以投资的过
QR 没有错的话应该是6月尾,Topglov 的QR 提前了11号出,或许会带动其他手套股一起上调,疫情还那么严重,QR 业绩都会是好的
everybody this afternoon my sifu tell us dont worried,today is the way they *big boss*buy a lot cheap price and still tomorrom to buy buy more for next week glive company report out for topglove and suppmax
lynneda go TG if u more bullet...still holding strong now...report coming out 2week times..if u plan to enter tomorrow ..enter morning around 10am..u check by the time, it sure red color n good price for enter. if not much bullet. can go supermax for 4month hold.
jsheng..ya u r right but right now we want earn money since covid. so best target is low price 2nd line glove. i hav TG kossan supermax n comfort. the reason i buy affort buy harta so i aim comfort. focus snipe on comfort happy hunting
comfort have better shodow of supermax..i been holding supermax more that 5 years..now only payback time..before covid..no 1 care OBM OEM style supermax selling until QR out..everyone's eye alike looking korean superstar. if u hav some holding power...hold it..the process is painful. My advice dun look at phone, since u decided to hold. happy hunting.